The Busy Times

I always approach the busy times with mixed delight and trepidation. The coming months look exhausting, but at least I don't have any tech writing classes to add to the mix!
1. Glass fusing class tonight
2. Musical Emergency tomorrow night (I'm performing one of my own compositions, and two others as co-writer/performer)
3. Much to do for Ghostship party on June 1
4. Preflight of Burning Man project at at No Man, so must get it designed and mostly built during month of June.
5. Flute recital at the end of June. I am halfway satisfied with my piece. The half I am not satisfied with is very technically challenging for me and will require much dedicated practice time.
6. Burning Man prep

There is another significant thing going on early June that I don't care to discuss, but it will require much attention (no, I'm not getting married!). Somewhere in there, I really need to fit in a visit to my family in Arkansas.

So….whew. I am looking forward to post-Burning Man, but I'm sure many other things will crop up by then.

(I could have sworn Ira just now winked at me and blew me a kiss.)

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Jeans Love

I'm all about the deep posts, me….

I've been avoiding buying jeans for ages, as every single pair now for women are stretch denim. So far, the only ones I tried on make me look like like a giant beach ball. Cotton denim jeans, however, are never sized for my figure, being all gappy at the waist for the seat to fit my butt. Argh!

But I found some lightly stretchy Calvin Kleins last night at Ross! They are comfy, and fit my curves without looking like leotards. I didn't want to buy size 14, but I think these will still look fine once I get down to my desired size 12.

On a different note altogether, I just want to ravage Ira Glass. I loves me a cute nerdy fella! Is he coming up on you guys' pages as well?

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