Back to it and PMC

So, surgery over and successful. Two weeks ago today, I was one sleepy girl, having just had a big ol’ tumor and one ovary removed (unilateral salpingo-oopherectomy). I have been off work, taking it easy and such, but also really started moving around and walking and having days out about a week ago. Really! This past Saturday, took a PMC class with a local artist, Kathy Corby.

I purchased a kit on Saturday, and a bunch of rubber stamps yesterday, so all set to go! This will complement my glasswork considerably, I believe.

A Busy Day!

Got up nice and early after a really GREAT night's sleep. No Vicodin, but I did take a Motrin 600 and an Ambien (tonight, no Ambien). David took me to the doc's office to get my staples out.

Oooch, but not too bad. As annoying as they have been, at least I felt like they were clamping my insides in. Of course, it's very obvious that my outer dermal layer has knit itself up just fine! But it's kinda psychological I guess. She put butterfly suture tape on the incision; the tape falls off by itself in a week, and I can start putting Vitamin E to reduce the scar pucker.

I took care of ALL my flowers. On Sunday, I had taken care of either changing the water and trimming the stems for the vases, and watering the ones that were stuck in that nasty green stuff. Plucked out a few not-so-fresh ones. But today, I really purged. I have a couple of tasteful little arrangements now where there were big, gaudy (but delightful) baskets before.

I have learned how to extend the life of gorgeous roses, and surprise! the yellow ones have turned out to be the hardiest. They are full blown now and just making me so happy! 

The flowers that came from a friend's backyard are holding up the very best. No surprise there!

It was hard work taking care of the giant baskety ones. Although I really appreciated the thought, they are tremendous work for the receiver to care for and dispose of.

Now, I am planted back in my chaise, reading and internetting. No TV at night, that was my pact with myself 😉

Love  you all. I'm doing great!

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