
Okay, enough of the negative posting!

David and I are leaving Sunday for a week in Arkansas with my family. Summer in Arkansas is fun! Hot, humid, occasional thunderstorms. War Eagle Caverns and Mills (stereotypically beautiful Ozarks setting); the Museum of Earth History in Eureka Springs (stereotypically Bible Belt Ozarks); July 4 on Beaver Lake (which was completed the very same year my Okie family started spending summer weekends in NW Arkansas, and now my brother and his wife live there).

For all of that, this is a family vacation, and I'm grateful beyond words that David wants to go. Besides the tourist traps listed above, I've promised him loads of polytime, at skating rinks and internet cafes. We are staying in a funky motel about five miles from my mom, called Boonslick Lodge. We plan to break fast most mornings either with my mom and sister, or at the Jane Cafe in Jane, MO (it's got a smoking section! How quaint!).

On top of it all, I'm officiating my third wedding ceremony on July 5! My niece Jennifer is marrying a very nice man named Sean — hopefully this will be the poor girl's lasting marriage (it's her fourth — two of those to the same guy). I don't know if performing a ceremony in front of my family makes me feel more, or less, nervous than usual. Guess I'll know when I'm standing there 😉

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Was a time…

…when you could count on a union to defend your best interests against greedy, uncaring corporation. They stood between the worker and hazardous working conditions, low pay, unfair treatment, and exploitation.

At some point, "some" unions have become archaic institutions, set up to be adversarial even when it is not necessary, and unable to see the trees for the forest.

My union is now standing between me and my desire, i.e., a reduced work schedule that keeps my current benefits intact for 2 years. This is a program that the union approved 4 years ago when it was offered as a cost-cutting measure so the University could avoid layoffs and cutbacks in the workforce.

Their reasoning? Because all of the units on campus are not offering the program to their staff, it would be "unfair" for it be be available to anyone. Also, because it is being taken advantage of by people with $100K+ salaries, the benefit "pool" is unfairly tilted in their favor by this program.

I spoke with the rep from another union on campus, and that union is enthusiastically approving the program for their members. I asked if anyone from my union had consulted with him, and the answer was no. I find this baffling. We're all supposed to be in this together when it comes time to strike or protest the University policies, but not when the University offers a program that is beneficial.

I try not to get aggravated by things I cannot control. I have made my voice heard, but alas, my union has a redwood-tree-sized chip on its shoulder. The fact that they are in contract negotiations at this time does not help, as the union automatically assumes the U is out to rape the workers.

Which may sometimes be true, but not this time. I'm all "GRRRR."

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Outta control

So, David took a picture of me at our Silent Movie party that I didn't even recognize as being myself. I was huge. Now, I know how photographs can be. But I was shocked that even a camera would capture me looking so out of shape. Talk about sobering.

I had an initial weight loss after the surgery of about 14 lbs. How happy was I! Then, going back to regular bad eating habits (healthy, mostly, but too much) and NO exercise while healing, well, I've put 10 of it back on. Anyway, I rode my bike to the base of campus today for the first time, and will do so every day for the next 2 weeks, at which time I will attempt the Big Ride up to Science Hill. I plan to do the 35-mi loop of Tour d'Organics in August, and simply must be in better shape. Perhaps a ride or two to Davenport will help as well.

I don't care about the weight gain — I DO care that it's ALL flab and no muscle! I love that David doesn't even really seem to notice the size change — but he can't help but notice that I'm not as healthful as I have been.


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