Thespian tendencies

Sorry, that one's been done a million times and better 😉

Last night, my dear friend Martin hosted one of his formerly peripatetic Musical Emergencies. It appears that dear Martin now has the supremely perfect place for these events: a loftspace at The Vulcan in Oakland. I am burning with envy of a sort about this, because I just lust lofts. My friend Christina also has a loftspace there, and I am DEEElighted to have introduced them in the first place, for she helped him get "in." And there is no place that Martin deserves to be more than The Vulcan, with like-minded Makers of all stripes, and a whole legion of Burners.

Anyway, the ME this time was Persephone, and since I knew I wasn't gonna have it together to write a song so soon after returning from  SE Asia, I volunteered to narrate. And had a blast! I've always known I should've done more theatre throughout my life. I am grateful to have these Musical Emergencies to express that compulsion!

I am narrating as Demeter, lover of Zeus, mother of Persephone, and a stone bitch!

Much fun was had, and I even got to help dear Soundhive with her atonal meditation on holes in the ground.

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