run run bike bike

For some insane reason, I've started doing something I NEVER thought I'd enjoy: running (well, jogging, actually).

It started when I began working out on Friday mornings with my friend Briya. We did a little run, maybe 1-1/4 miles, to the local playground to do upper-body workouts on the bars; then back to her house.

It didn't hurt. And I had some endurance because of all the biking. 

Briya talked me into signing up for a women's 5-miler in Aptos next month. So now, I am actually running on a sort of schedule. Every other day or so, about 2.5 – 4 miles. I hope get back to biking up to campus on the alternate days, now that the rains have stopped.

I am hungrier now, I've found. I don't expect my weight to drop much, but my clothes are sure fitting differently. I like these new muscles. I feel better inside and out. I got some good Brooks running shoes, and I seem to be doing it right because I have no joint pain at all (so far!).

I'm not striving for bathing suit body, just to be strong into my 60's and 70's. If the running starts feeling…not right…I'll stop. but for now — zoooom!*

*that is a little joke, because I don't do zoooom — I probably run a 10-minute mile. The tortoise, not the hare. Comfort, not speed.

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  1. Beca said,

    May 6, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    Zoooom! I'm absolutely amazed you're jogging; not because it's you, but because it's so damn hard and unfun (well to me anyway). You go, Debkakes!

  2. Debkakes said,

    May 6, 2009 at 8:06 pm

    thanks, Beca! My legs say 'yes, this is hard' but my brain is all poppin' on endorphins — it's a good feeling. I HAVE always thought it unfun, and it's not as much fun by myself, I'll admit. I like dishin' w/Briya as we trot along.

  3. deschampsia said,

    May 26, 2009 at 9:31 pm

    Company is by far the best way to get through any workout. i paid a personal trainer for years just so I'd have someone to talk to while torturing myself.

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