
The new cabochons are fabulous. Looks like I got the right size clear overlay piece, and very little bubbling action. Not that I mind bubbles. The backs are much cleaner using kiln paper as opposed to setting the pieces onto the kiln-washed holder, but I like having the texture on the back from the wash. For now, paper is good since I need to “cold fuse” pin backs to the pieces.

I’m particularly pleased that for this application, the fusing program in the Jen-Ken users manual works quite well.

The result of David’s experiment with a metal washer filled with frit was…encouraging. The metal did not take to the high heat too well, but the glass didn’t break apart from the metal upon cooling, which was what we expected to happen. This could be a very interesting direction, if we can find affordable metal of high enough quality to withstand the heat.

My yaller beads look pretty nice. More tonight.

When I started this blog, I resolved to do at least one bead per day when I’m home, no matter how busy/crazy. Last night was a challenge, as I was cold and tired. But once the torch went “whoosh” I got a lot warmer!

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