Brand New Glass Year

Again, it’s been a while. Time away seems to have increased my confidence at the torch, perhaps not surprisingly. I realize, again, that there is no reason to be cautious with melted glass. If it doesn’t work, you haven’t lost much: some time and a few pennies’ worth of glass. The rewards of taking risks and experimenting are incalculable.

The Creation is Messy (CiM) glass I got at Frantz is delightful to work with. The colors are beautiful, it is stiff and malleable, and easy to sculpt. David asked me to do fireballs, and I had fun using CiM (gunmetal), Effrete (fire red), and Vetrofond (tangerine sparkle). How lucky they all have the same COE (104)!

For the fireballs: I used gunmetal (black) for the round base bead (for one of them I used a special millefiore and raked it through the black, which accounts for the bit of green you can see in the photo). I encased part of the base bead with red, then encased part of that with tangerine sparkle. I let all the glass melt and droop, then used a smasher to flatten the droop. I used glass scissors to cut it into sections, then used tweezers to pull the shapes. I added dots to one of the fireballs, and encased the head of the other one with clear glass.

I used the new CIM rose quartz, electric avenue blue, and celadon for the pastel dot beads. I couldn’t believe how the dots didn’t melt flat as I worked on the bead, and I was able to pull corners on green dots so easily. Unfortunately, I didn’t keep the base bead heated well enough as I worked (for a good 10 minutes), and it cracked (although it is still intact, it WILL break eventually). I love how the dots at the center of the green look like reduction glass. They are really just rose on blue on ivory dots. I did bubbles on the corners of the green, which you may not be able to see in the photographs.

I am very excited to enter a new phase of beadmaking. The fun will come from having better control of my technique, and I do feel steadier and more confident.

Bead Fail!

Last couple of outings have not been so great. No plan. Wait, I knew that.

One thing I did learn: Even though I’m practicing encasing, it is counterproductive to encase a perfectly good bead just for its own sake.

Made three “subtle stripe” beads last night, and each one is wonky-shaped. Bad.

Made a poor excuse for a “goddess bead” night before last. Finally took a good look at it this morning, and it’s not horrible. Just nothing new.

I need to give my next torch session more thought. Have a, you know, creative process instead of just grabbing stuff.

Next time make a plan

Made some random beads tonight that may or may not work. I made a caterpillar, but I fear it will crack. I don’t think I kept it backed into the flame enough as I was working (endlessly it seemed) on the dots. Also, very bad stringer control, a little shaky and maybe just a little tired after last night’s successes.

Tried to make a butterfly sort of thing, and a really funny thing happened. As I was adding glass to the sides for “wings,” I suddenly noticed 3 rows of glass I had added were just…gone. I looked around my work area, and never did find them. This is generally something you don’t want to happen, because duh glass is hot. It will burn ya! And your clothes. And your carpet.

Then tested out my lentil and pillow molds, with dubious results. Need to figure out exactly how much glass to melt for a perfect fit. Did discover that the Bullseye Orange Marmalade is a really pretty glass.

Will post pix tomorrow.

Sea change

I think I beat my previous record for a torch session: 12 beads in two sittings.

I feel…sorta possessed. Working with the Bullseye glass had given me new energy. It seems to be very forgiving. Having the kiln going for immediate annealing also helps, especially for the thin, scalloped discs. I had not one single casualty!

Seaform III

Seaform III

This is a thin disc of different colored layers, flattened and shaped as it grew. The edges were scalloped with the dragging/poking tool, and dots applied to the disc as the last step.

My last bead of the night:

Crayzee Dayzee

Crayzee Dayzee

same process as above, but the disc is fatter so the “petals” wouldn’t droop. Then went all fussy on the dotting, which is not as neat as I would like, but hey, I’ll take it!

Something has happened in this past couple of months, but especially in the last few days since pulling out the Bullseye rods from the corner. I feel more in control. Though I’ve been more than willing to take chances this last two months and not mind failing, upping my chances of success with the tools I use has been a phenomenal experience.

So the question is, how — or indeed WHETHER — to transition from COE104 (Moretti/Effrete/Vetrofond) to COE90 (Bullseye, most likely). I will use up my current stock of about 15-20 rods before making a commitment: Bullseye can be a bit pricey, and there’s no need to hurry the process. On top of price, there are space constraints, if a new collection of rods is to be as organized and handy as my current set-up — a necessity, not a choice.

Now I think I know why I was able to purchase collections of cheap glass from eBay when I first started lampworking! I think I will not do a complete turn-around, as I have lots of COE104 that I really, really like, especially my Vetrofond oddlots (of which I will be getting another bundle soon). There’s plenty of room for all of it under my tent!

More Twists and Silly Bead

Made a complex twistie that I was really happy with, two larger rods (electric blue and cobalt) and two white stringers between. Then I decided I wanted to use it on a bead, but didn’t make a plan. This is what happened.

Ridiculous Bead 3

Totally silly. I made a pretty nicely shaped cylinder, then used a shaping tool to make a “neck”. Then started applying the blue twistie to the top and twirling and dragging almost compulsively. I can’t leave anything alone for a second! This is why I don’t have two beads alike. When I encased the whole mess, I got a big glob of clear on one side, so made some grooves in the glass and applied light blue dots.

The bottom part I just used some of the twisted cane stringers, melted them in and dragged the melted glass with a pick. Add a few dots and voila! One. Silly. Bead.

Goddess Beads


If you Google on “goddess bead,” you’ll see a lot of very lovely, female-shaped beads. Well, I actually have no desire to make a bead like that. My Goddess Beads were made specifically for a Sensual Goddess party I attended on Saturday night. There were to be seven of us, and besides eating, drinking, sharing poetry and stories, we also planned to share gifts.

I got myself in a Goddess Groove on Friday night, and sat at the torch for 3 hours, one of my longest sessions ever. I felt exhausted and energized at the same time when I finally shut down at 10:30 PM, beads soaking in the kiln to be revealed as successes or failures next morning. The beads were pretty large, and I’m always afraid large beads will crack from not staying properly hot while I work on them (between prepping* and working the glass, each bead took about 15-20 minutes to make). I was so happy to see all seven beads turned out crack-free, and quite pretty as well. I made them focal beads on various pieces of jewelry.

This was a great project for me, at this particular time. I’ve been wanting to free myself up and increase the intermixing of spirit, imagination, and technique. Flow, I will call it. Making a bead flow into a piece of jewelry is something I have been sidling up to until now. It all happened here, and it was thrilling.

The lampwork technique was inspired (and instructed) by Sarah Hornik, whom I’ve admired for a couple of years. During the course of making these seven beads, I became much more proficient with my marver, maintaining the cylindrical shape of the bead as I was working in the colors and stripes. My stringer application still sucks, but with this bead it doesn’t matter that much since the stripes get swirled. Mostly, my dots turned out okay, a couple were not “perfect” — but I was happy with them, overall.

Another thing that made me happy was that the holes were nice and “innied” — no jagged bits to grind off. I think this is because I kept marvering the bead to shape as I was working it.

*Prepping: Each bead required making color choices in advance and pulling stringers. The beads are composed of a cylindrical base bead in a light opaque color (pink, yellow, blue were my choices); the top half of the cylinder encased with rubino oro or other light-hued transparent glass (I used rubino oro, light red, and light yellow). After I chose base and transparent, I then pulled stringers complementary stripes applied to the base, for melting and swirling into flowy shapes, and then for dots in the last step. I tried to use different color combinations for each bead, but a couple of them turned out looking a bit similar. I was a little tired by the last bead, and used stringers I had pulled for previous beads, but in a different combination.

A new direction

I’ve been cruising lots of lampwork bead artists’ work of late. I will say I am inspired now to find my own language with glass. This is a beginning. I thought these Vetrifond colors would stack well, so I started the bead on top. The glass started bubbling (I guess my flame was too hot), so I grabbed an ivory stringer and filled in the hole with a big ol’ dot, added a strawberry dot and poked it topping off with a dot of clear on top to make a bubble (not visible in foto). The ends weren’t dimpling very nicely, so I added the green disks at top and bottom, and then just grabbed an clear-encased aventurine stringer. I decided not to worry that the shape was not “perfect.” I was so pleased with the result, I decided to make a set.



I just did something that I think will make some gorgeous beads. Nothing terribly new, just stacking lots of colors in a disk and letting them flow all over each other. Very planetoid-looking beads. The possibilities for color and design are, I think, pretty exciting.



This one is pretty large, barrel-shaped, and very 3D. I shaped the swirly on a marver to get indentations, the encased the whole thing in Lauscha clear. I hadn’t realized that the bead would turn into a great ocean-waves-crashing-against-cliffs scene. I’d love to be able to capture it on film!


The new cabochons are fabulous. Looks like I got the right size clear overlay piece, and very little bubbling action. Not that I mind bubbles. The backs are much cleaner using kiln paper as opposed to setting the pieces onto the kiln-washed holder, but I like having the texture on the back from the wash. For now, paper is good since I need to “cold fuse” pin backs to the pieces.

I’m particularly pleased that for this application, the fusing program in the Jen-Ken users manual works quite well.

The result of David’s experiment with a metal washer filled with frit was…encouraging. The metal did not take to the high heat too well, but the glass didn’t break apart from the metal upon cooling, which was what we expected to happen. This could be a very interesting direction, if we can find affordable metal of high enough quality to withstand the heat.

My yaller beads look pretty nice. More tonight.

When I started this blog, I resolved to do at least one bead per day when I’m home, no matter how busy/crazy. Last night was a challenge, as I was cold and tired. But once the torch went “whoosh” I got a lot warmer!

Studly Studio

Spent a very satisfying and productive Saturday at our friends’ house in Berkeley (Hothouse), and returned early this AM with a mostly built and tested kaleidoscope — prettifying will happen this week, but the device works, and that was my goal for the weekend.

After getting home, we decided that cleaning the “lab” might be the best use of our time. The lab is a project room that tends to become a junk magnet. We need space to work on the kaleidoscope and other things, so *zing* into cleaning mode. Incidentally, my glass studio has been set up in one corner of one end of the (very large) room since I started lampworking.

During the course of the cleaning, we completely re-vamped my studio! I am so pleased to have my glass-cutting surface freed from the kiln, which is now on an appropriate surface (a tile-covered table). I have a second credenza-type cabinet for storing sheet glass when I finally get my Bullseye assortment, er, assorted.



This is my lampwork station. Cleaner than usual.


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